Italian organic seedless grapes

Bioplus: Italian organic seedless grapesItalian organic seedless grapes from Bioplus are distinguished from other brands by the relishing taste that these fruit varieties leave on the taste buds. Bioplus sells high-quality organic seedless grapes that make up a great daily meal to cater to our client’s nutritious value. These delicious products serve as a meal and consuming these balanced food products in the morning can keep you energetic throughout the day.  Also, Italian organic seedless grapes provided by Bioplus have become the main ingredient of world-class sweetand savorydishes due to the fine taste maintained by our company.

Importance of Natural Italian organic seedless grapes supplied by Bioplus

The Italian organic seedless grapes sold by Bioplusare indeed a sweet treasure due to the mineral content that these food varitiescomprise. Also, organic seedless grapes from Bioplus have good storage life and so,can be stored in a cool place for days and still give a refreshing taste as these fruitsare free of artificial flavors. Thus, Bioplus is responsible to provide quality products that preserve their nutrition over a long time.

Quality of Italian organic seedless grapes from Bioplus

In a short time, Bioplus has captivated the European and international food market due to the superior qualityof these naturally grown products. So, if you are a lover of Italian organic seedless grapes, order from Bioplus as our product’s delightful taste will keep you impatient to have more and more.

Barquettes 500gr
Barquettes 750gr
Barquettes 1kg
Vrac 6kg
Barquettes 500gr
Pochon 500gr/1kg
Pochon 5kg


Calendar White and Red Grapes

Bioplus srls

Via Regina Margherita, 16 – Canicattì (AG) – 92024
P.I. 02929640841


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